12450 Elam Road
Balch Springs, TX 75180
United States
32.718766, -96.6118659

The Balch Springs Library-Learning Center is a Family Place library located in Balch Springs, TX. Our library provides Preschool story time and Baby Lapsit to our families on a weekly basis. We also provide a parent collection in our kid’s room along with developmentally appropriate toys, puzzles, and other manipulatives. We have a dress-up station, little market, and kitchen for our young patrons to play with and have fun with their family members or friends. We have noticed an increase in family members extending their visits to the library because of all that we have available in our kid’s room. We are so excited to be able to provide these experiences for our community members so they can associate the library as a positive, fun and educational place that will inspire them to be lifelong learners.