1220 10th Street
Anacortes, WA 98221
United States
48.514734, -122.616581

The Anacortes Public Library hosts our Play and Learn Series twice a year in the spring and fall for children ages 1-3 and their parent/caregiver. This play-based program provides a rich environment of toys, books, and sensory activities. Families have the opportunity to spend time together, make new friends, and talk one-on-one with a different early-learning professional each week. Comments from participants: “We loved the opportunity to interact with other children, try some new activities and toys, and learn from community professionals.” “I liked the signs at each play station telling me what my daughter is learning with each activity.” “It was wonderful to see my child socialize, explore, and start gaining confidence.”
The program is very popular with our young families and spaces fill up quickly and there is often a waiting list. In March 2023, we updated the Dr. Sylvia Maxson Children's Library by tripling our Early Learning play space, purchasing new furniture, a reading boat, and additional toys for children. Attendance in our space has risen dramatically and families look forward to visiting the Children's Library regularly.
The Early Learning space has interactive materials including books, age-appropriate toys, puzzles, dramatic play items, doll houses, blocks and more. The space is available whenever the library is open. We welcome all families with young children to the Anacortes Public Library and we hope you will participate in our many programs for young patrons and their grown-ups. Please ask how we can help you connect with family resources in Anacortes.