117 Union Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States
36.975512, -122.028696
During 2023, we reopened the newly remodeled Branciforte branch with its child-friendly furniture and a sailboat for imaginative play. We partnered with Triple P to offer Parenting Workshops and special storywalks during Positive Parenting Awareness Month and added a monthly Great Expectations Parenting Group for caregivers raising children with neurodivergence. We added a Discovery Zone Playgroup at the Boulder Creek Branch where caregivers can connect while their young children develop motor and social skills through play. We added a Saturday Bilingual Spanish Family Storytime at the Brancforte Branch which is appreciated by many families who cannot attend storytime during the work week. As attendance at many of our Preschool Storytimes decreased, we adapted them to fit the needs of Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers. We have also modified our storytimes to make them more welcoming for children with neurodivergence.